Source code for scedar.eda.mdl

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as spstats
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

# TODO: implement histogram mdl with proper discretization.

[docs]def np_number_1d(x, dtype=np.dtype("f8"), copy=True): """Convert x to 1d np number array Args: x (1d sequence of values convertable to np.number) dtype (np number type): default to 64-bit float copy (bool): passed to np.array() Returns: xarr (1d np.number array) Raises: ValueError: If x is not convertable to provided dtype or non-1d. If dtype is not subdtype of np number. """ if not np.issubdtype(dtype, np.number): raise ValueError("dtype must be a type of numpy number") xarr = np.array(x, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) if xarr.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("x should be 1D array. " "x.shape: {}".format(xarr.shape)) return xarr
[docs]class Mdl(ABC): """Minimum description length abstract base class Interface of various mdl schemas. Subclasses must implement mdl property and encode method. Attributes: _x (1D np.number array): data used for fit mdl _n ( number of points in x """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self, x, dtype=np.dtype("f8"), copy=True): """Initialize Args: x (1D np.number array): data used for fit mdl dtype (np.dtype): default to 64-bit float copy (bool): passed to np.array() """ self._x = np_number_1d(x, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) # avoid divide by 0 exception self._n = np.int_(self._x.shape[0])
[docs] @abstractmethod def encode(self, x): """Encode another 1D number array with fitted code Args: x (1D np.number array): data to encode """ raise NotImplementedError
@property def x(self): return self._x.copy() @property @abstractmethod def mdl(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class MultinomialMdl(Mdl): """ Encode discrete values using multinomial distribution Args: x (1D np.number array): data used for fit mdl dtype (np.dtype): default to 64-bit float copy (bool): passed to np.array() Note: When x only has 1 uniq value. Encode the the number of values only. """ def __init__(self, x, dtype=np.dtype("f8"), copy=True): super().__init__(x, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) uniq_vals, uniq_val_cnts = np.unique(x, return_counts=True) self._n_uniq = len(uniq_vals) self._uniq_vals = uniq_vals self._uniq_val_cnts = uniq_val_cnts # make division by 0 valid. self._uniq_val_ps = uniq_val_cnts / self._n # create a lut for unique vals and ps self._uniq_val_p_lut = dict(zip(uniq_vals, self._uniq_val_ps)) if len(self._uniq_vals) > 1: mdl = (-np.log(self._uniq_val_ps) * self._uniq_val_cnts).sum() elif len(self._uniq_vals) == 1: mdl = np.log(self._n) else: # len(x) == 0 mdl = 0 self._mdl = mdl return
[docs] def encode(self, qx, use_adjescent_when_absent=False): """Encode another 1D float array with fitted code Args: qx (1d float array): query data use_adjescent_when_absent (bool): whether to use adjascent value to compute query mdl. If not, uniform mdl is used. If adjascent values have same distance to query value, choose the one with smaller mdl. Returns: qmdl (float) """ qx = np_number_1d(qx, copy=False) if qx.size == 0: return 0 # Encode with 32bit float unif_q_val_mdl = np.log(max(np.max(np.abs(qx))*2, 1)) if self._n == 0: # uniform return qx.size * unif_q_val_mdl q_uniq_vals, q_uniq_val_cnts = np.unique(qx, return_counts=True) q_mdl = 0 for uval, ucnt in zip(q_uniq_vals, q_uniq_val_cnts): uval_p = self._uniq_val_p_lut.get(uval) if uval_p is None: if use_adjescent_when_absent: uind = np.searchsorted(self._uniq_vals, uval) if uind <= 0: # uval lower than minimum uval_p = self._uniq_val_ps[0] elif uind >= self._n_uniq: # uval higher than maximum uval_p = self._uniq_val_ps[-1] else: # uval within range [1, _n_uniq-1] # abs diff between uval and left val l_diff = np.abs(self._uniq_vals[uind-1] - uval) # abs diff between uval and right avl r_diff = np.abs(self._uniq_vals[uind] - uval) if l_diff < r_diff: # closer to left uval_p = self._uniq_val_ps[uind-1] elif l_diff > r_diff: # closer to right uval_p = self._uniq_val_ps[uind] else: # same distance, choose max p uval_p = max(self._uniq_val_ps[uind-1], self._uniq_val_ps[uind]) uval_mdl = -np.log(uval_p) else: uval_mdl = unif_q_val_mdl else: uval_mdl = -np.log(uval_p) q_mdl += uval_mdl * ucnt return q_mdl
@property def mdl(self): return self._mdl
[docs]class ZeroIMdl(Mdl): """Encode an indicator vector of 0s and non-0s """ def __init__(self, x, dtype=np.dtype("f8"), copy=True): super().__init__(x, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) self._x_equal_zero = self._x == 0 self._mn_encoder = MultinomialMdl(self._x == 0, dtype=np.dtype("i1"), copy=False) # log(3) to encode 3 conditions: # - empty # - all non-0s or 0s # - mixed non-0s and 0s self._mdl = self._mn_encoder.mdl + np.log(3)
[docs] def encode(self, qx): qx = np_number_1d(qx, copy=False) return self._mn_encoder.encode(qx == 0) + np.log(3)
@property def mdl(self): return self._mdl
[docs]class ZeroIMultinomialMdl(Mdl): def __init__(self, x, dtype=np.dtype("f8"), copy=True): super().__init__(x, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) self._x_nonzero = self._x[np.nonzero(self._x)] self._k = self._x_nonzero.shape[0] self._zi_encoder = ZeroIMdl(self._x, dtype=dtype, copy=False) self._zi_mdl = self._zi_encoder.mdl self._mn_encoder = MultinomialMdl(self._x_nonzero, dtype=dtype, copy=False) self._mn_mdl = self._mn_encoder.mdl self._mdl = self._zi_mdl + self._mn_mdl
[docs] def encode(self, qx, use_adjescent_when_absent=False): qx = np_number_1d(qx) qx_nonzero = qx[np.nonzero(qx)] qzi_mdl = self._zi_encoder.encode(qx) qmn_mdl = self._mn_encoder.encode( qx_nonzero, use_adjescent_when_absent=use_adjescent_when_absent) return qzi_mdl + qmn_mdl
@property def mdl(self): return self._mdl
[docs]class GKdeMdl(Mdl): """Use Gaussian kernel density estimation to compute mdl Args: x (1D np.number array): data used for fit mdl bandwidth_method: string KDE bandwidth estimation method bing passed to `scipy.stats.gaussian_kde`. Types: * `"scott"`: Scott's rule of thumb. * `"silverman"`: Silverman"s rule of thumb. * `constant`: constant will be timed by x.std(ddof=1) internally, because scipy times bw_method value by std. "Scipy weights its bandwidth by the ovariance of the input data" [3]. * `callable`: scipy calls the function on self dtype (np.dtype): default to 64-bit float copy (bool): passed to np.array() Attributes: _x (1d float array): data to fit _n (int): number of elements in data _bw_method (str): bandwidth method _kde (:obj:`scipy kde`) _logdens (1d float array): log density """ def __init__(self, x, kde_bw_method="scott", dtype=np.dtype("f8"), copy=True): super().__init__(x, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) self._bw_method = kde_bw_method if self._n == 0: kde = None logdens = None bw_factor = None # no non-zery vals. Indicator encoded by zi mdl. kde_mdl = 0 else: try: logdens, kde = self.gaussian_kde_logdens( self._x, bandwidth_method=self._bw_method, ret_kernel=True) # log(2) to encode kde or not kde_mdl = -logdens.sum() + np.log(2) bw_factor = kde.factor except Exception as e: kde = None logdens = None bw_factor = None # encode just single value or multiple values # fall back on uniform encoding unif_sval_mdl = np.log(max(np.max(np.abs(self._x))*2, 1)) kde_mdl = unif_sval_mdl * self._n self._bw_factor = bw_factor self._kde = kde self._logdens = logdens self._mdl = kde_mdl
[docs] def encode(self, qx, mdl_scale_factor=1): """Encode query data using fitted KDE code Args: qx (1d float array) mdl_scale_factor (number): times mdl by this number Returns: float: mdl """ qx = np_number_1d(qx, copy=False) if qx.size == 0: return 0 unif_sval_mdl = np.log(max(np.max(np.abs(qx))*2, 1)) if self._kde is None: return unif_sval_mdl * len(qx) * mdl_scale_factor else: logdens = self._kde.logpdf(qx) return -logdens.sum() * mdl_scale_factor
@property def bandwidth(self): if self._bw_factor is None: return None else: return self._bw_factor * self._x.std(ddof=1) @property def mdl(self): return self._mdl @property def kde(self): return self._kde
[docs] @staticmethod def gaussian_kde_logdens(x, bandwidth_method="scott", ret_kernel=False): """ Estimate Gaussian kernel density estimation bandwidth for input `x`. Parameters ---------- x: float array of shape `(n_samples)` or `(n_samples, n_features)` Data points for KDE estimation. bandwidth_method: string KDE bandwidth estimation method bing passed to `scipy.stats.gaussian_kde`. """ # This package uses (n_samples, n_features) convention # scipy uses (n_featues, n_samples) convention # so it is necessary to reshape the data if x.ndim == 1: x = x.reshape(1, -1) elif x.ndim == 2: x = x.T else: raise ValueError("x should be 1/2D array. " "x.shape: {}".format(x.shape)) kde = spstats.gaussian_kde(x, bw_method=bandwidth_method) logdens = np.log(kde.evaluate(x)) if ret_kernel: return (logdens, kde) else: return logdens
[docs]class ZeroIGKdeMdl(Mdl): """ Zero indicator Gaussian KDE MDL Encode the 0s and non-0s using bernoulli distribution. Then, encode non-0s using gaussian kde. Finally, one ternary val indicates all 0s, all non-0s, or otherwise Args: x (1D np.number array): data used for fit mdl bandwidth_method: string KDE bandwidth estimation method bing passed to `scipy.stats.gaussian_kde`. Types: * `"scott"`: Scott's rule of thumb. * `"silverman"`: Silverman"s rule of thumb. * `constant`: constant will be timed by x.std(ddof=1) internally, because scipy times bw_method value by std. "Scipy weights its bandwidth by the ovariance of the input data" [3]. * `callable`: scipy calls the function on self dtype (np.dtype): default to 64-bit float copy (bool): passed to np.array() References: [1] [2] [3] [4] """ # noqa def __init__(self, x, kde_bw_method="scott", dtype=np.dtype("f8"), copy=True): super().__init__(x, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) self._x_nonzero = self._x[np.nonzero(self._x)] self._k = self._x_nonzero.shape[0] self._bw_method = kde_bw_method self._zi_encoder = ZeroIMdl(self._x, dtype=dtype, copy=False) self._zi_mdl = self._zi_encoder.mdl self._kde_encoder = GKdeMdl(self._x_nonzero, kde_bw_method, dtype=dtype, copy=False) self._kde_mdl = self._kde_encoder.mdl self._mdl = self._zi_mdl + self._kde_mdl
[docs] def encode(self, qx): """Encode qx Args: qx (1d np number array) Returns: mdl (float) """ qx = np_number_1d(qx, copy=False) qx_nonzero = qx[np.nonzero(qx)] qzi_mdl = self._zi_encoder.encode(qx) qkde_mdl = self._kde_encoder.encode(qx_nonzero) return qzi_mdl + qkde_mdl
@property def zi_mdl(self): return self._zi_mdl @property def bandwidth(self): return self._kde_encoder.bandwidth @property def kde(self): return self._kde_encoder.kde @property def kde_mdl(self): return self._kde_mdl @property def mdl(self): return self._mdl @property def x_nonzero(self): return self._x_nonzero.copy()